Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Way Back Wednesday

In 1987, at the age of 15, Matt Hoffman was the youngest rider to enter the freestyle BMX circuit.  At an early age he had several sponsorships, including SKYWAY Bicycles, one of the top manufacturers in the 1980s. Matt's resumé includes taking his bike base-jumping off 3,500-foot Norwegian cliffs and, in 2002, setting the record for the highest assisted "air" on a bicycle, when he rose 26'6" above a 24' ramp, reaching just over 50' above the ground. This feat was listed in the 2004 Guinness Book of Worls Records. Hoffman has invented, by far, the most tricks in BMX with the invention of more than 100 revolutionary tricks like the 900; Flip fakie; and the Flair.Despite the numerous injuries and 16 total operations, he has never stopped challenging himself. In 2001, Hoffman competed at the X Games, earning the Bronze Medal. He stunned the industry and fans, alike, when he set another record by successfully completing the first-ever No-handed 900 at the 2002 X Games, resulting in the Silver Medal.To this day Hoffman continues to produce numerous BMX Freestyle competitions and Action Sports demos across the world. Here are a few pics and a video from way back.
Limited Evel Kinevel Complete Hoffman Bike!